Behind the Scenes

May 2, 2024

RSA Conference 2024: Embracing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

Person walking forward

For as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with code-breaking and puzzles. This obsession at an early age fueled my passion for pursuing work later in life at the intersection of cybersecurity and data science, which, in turn, led to my efforts in co-founding Reality Defender. Throughout my journey, I've been driven by a desire to help as many people as possible stay one step ahead of threats, protecting individuals and organizations from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber attacks.

As generative AI is posed to change nearly every aspect of human life, we face a defining moment in cybersecurity. It’s a moment to be met with excitement and caution, and, most critically, a moment that requires the foremost experts in the field to put their minds together and pioneer the best way forward. This is why, on behalf of Reality Defender, I feel privileged to take part in this year’s RSA Conference, where the most respected visionaries in our industry — the code breakers and puzzle solvers — will gather to discuss cybersecurity solutions for a future reshaped by artificial intelligence.

Reality Defender is honored to be a finalist in this year’s RSAC Innovation Sandbox, which calls on the “most promising young companies in cybersecurity to demonstrate their cutting-edge technologies.” While we are a deepfake detection company, we believe that the responsible use of AI can make the world a safer place. In the spirit of taking things apart to make them better, our experts tirelessly study the newest deepfake creation methods and latest research in the field of generative AI, all with the express intent of integrating them into our detection models and leveraging the power of AI to counter the malicious misuse of AI.

Reality Defender was founded as a non-profit company with a humanist core. Since the beginning, our mission was to use AI for the benefit of humanity, and to bring boundless expertise across deep tech industries to build the most comprehensive and reliable deepfake detection platform in the world. While the company today retains our founding philosophy — we are still concerned citizens working to solve one of the most pressing technological problems of our time — our growth in the past few years has enabled us to work with governments, financial institutions, and media platforms in protecting the public from the most pressing digital threats in the modern era.

It has never been clearer to me that the evolving challenges posed by the malicious misuse of AI can only be solved by a robust alliance of experts across sciences and industries. This is why gatherings like RSAC are crucial, and why I’d like to invite all attendees to meet with Reality Defender to exchange ideas, explore new partnerships, and demonstrate how our platform-agnostic, inference-based deepfake detection tools can help our clients and colleagues fortify their systems against emerging cybersecurity threats. As we head to San Francisco next week, I'm reminded that the city's rich history of innovation and progress is mirrored by the spirit of collaboration and problem-solving that drives our community today. I am excited to connect with fellow pioneers at this year's conference, and hope to fortify new partnerships that help solve the ever-changing problems posed by AI-generated content.

\ Solutions by Industry
Reality Defender’s purpose-built solutions help defend against deepfakes across all industries
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