We are deeply honored and humbled to be named the Most Innovative Company at this year's RSA Innovation Sandbox. As part of this year's 2024 RSA Conference in San Francisco, this contest was an exciting challenge that highlighted the ideas and companies reshaping the cybersecurity industry.
Reality Defender was founded as a non-profit company with a mission-driven core. Since the beginning, our mission was to use AI for the benefit of humanity, and to bring boundless expertise across deep tech industries to build the most comprehensive and reliable deepfake detection platform in the world. The Innovation Sandbox judges’ decision is a profound validation of all the hard work and vision put forth by our growing team of experts. At the same time, our mission has only just begun, as the world of generative AI is ever-evolving.
Innovation is fueled by collaboration, and the small non-profit couldn’t grow into the company we are today without the faith of our partners, clients, investors, advisors, and champions. We are indebted to all who have supported Reality Defender’s mission as we saw the nefarious misuse of generative AI become a major threat dominating the headlines. While we retain our founding philosophy — we are still concerned citizens working to solve one of the most pressing technological problems of our time — our growth in the past few years has enabled us to work with the largest governments, financial institutions, and media platforms in protecting the public from the most pressing digital threats in the modern era and at the highest levels of content dissemination.
The growing challenges posed by the malicious misuse of AI can only be solved by a robust alliance of experts across sciences and industries. We are deeply grateful to RSAC and the judges of the Innovation Sandbox for highlighting the most promising developments in our field, and for helping build this alliance of leaders determined to usher in a bright future of technology used for good.