
Sep 12, 2024

Bringing Reality Defender's Deepfake Detection to the Wolftech Platform

Person walking forward

Today, I’m proud to announce that Reality Defender’s deepfake detection tools are now integrated with the Wolftech publishing platform, a story-centric media management system that streamlines news, sports, and entertainment workflows.

The collaboration enables Wolftech clients — the majority of which are media organizations and professionals — to seamlessly verify media files within their publishing workflows, ensuring the integrity of their journalistic work and preventing the spread of misleading or false information. By integrating Reality Defender's technology for detecting AI-generated images, video, and text, Wolftech users can now authenticate and flag manipulated media in real time, further enhancing the overall quality and accuracy of their storytelling.

Deepfake Detection Supports Media Integrity

In 2024, news media professionals now contend with unprecedented disinformation efforts fueled by sophisticated deepfakes. Among many other cases, newsrooms have had to navigate AI-generated media designed to spread conspiracy theories about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, inform the public about the deepfake video of State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, and debunk the deepfake of Joe Biden cursing his way out of the presidential race. Political deepfake manipulation is a global challenge — in Slovakia, the voice clone of a leading parliamentary candidate possibly affected the outcome of the elections, while in India, an army of fact-checkers assembled to combat the onslaught of election-related deepfakes created by the supporters of every political party.

Less than two months from the crucial U.S. Presidential Election, the presence of deepfakes spinning wild political narratives is skyrocketing, demanding unprecedented levels of vigilance from media professionals. These sophisticated deepfakes cannot be identified without state-of-the-art tools that utilize AI to catch AI. Media and journalism are essential to a healthy democracy, and providing newsrooms with robust tools to detect AI-fueled deception has become a necessity in an increasingly polarized society. 

Wolftech recognizes the importance of robust AI-generated media detection within the media space, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about the company’s proactive approach in integrating Reality Defender’s detection models directly into their platform. Existing Wolftech users can simply log in to their accounts and take advantage of our industry-leading deepfake detection models right away.

Workflow Management and Powerful Detection in One Place

Journalists, editors, fact-checkers, and other media professionals using Wolftech can now verify images and other media used in their stories in real time and within their publishing workflows. With proactive detection integrated into their management systems, media professionals can ensure that the news stories they produce aren’t based on misleading or false AI-generated media, and fulfill their obligations to audiences by ensuring they don’t accidentally expedite the spread of malicious deepfakes. 

This peace of mind doesn’t take away from the efficiency of Wolftech’s platform. In fact, our partnership makes the process for users more streamlined, as they needn’t switch between platforms and interfaces for media verification. Collaboration across teams is enhanced by giving all team members instant access to authentic content that has been scanned for any signs of AI manipulation. Wolftech’s integration of Reality Defender’s tools now allows media professionals to cut through AI-generated deception by combining effective news media management and powerful deepfake detection on a single platform.

\ Solutions by Industry
Reality Defender’s purpose-built solutions help defend against deepfakes across all industries
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