Man standing with his back to the camera in a dimly lit office or study, with books and papers on a desk, and another person seated at a desk near a window.


Reality Defender helps secure citizens from the harms of deepfakes.

Our robust deepfake detection platform gives governments useful tools to help protect against disinformation and deepfake attacks, all on a leading detection platform.


confirmed nation-states used deepfakes for disinformation in 2023


of experts see AI disinformation causing global unrest (WEF, 2024)

Working to End
Political Disinformation

Voice Impersonations

Mediums protected:


Reality Defender detects deepfake voices during critical communications. Detect targeted disinformation and expose AI-synthesized impersonations in real time.


adults impacted by a recent deepfake-driven robocall in New Hampshire


year-over-year increase in deepfake attacks (2023 vs 2022)

Common AI threats

Voice Cloning

Identity Theft

Faceswapping AI

Fraudulent Communications

Mediums protected:


Creating a targeted fraud campaign only takes a few keystrokes.
Reality Defender’s Text Detection helps catch harmful AI-generated documents to help verify everything from identity and financial fraud before it can impact citizens’ livelihoods.


Document Fraud Rate (2023)


malicious emails sent daily

Common AI threats

Voice Cloning

Identity Theft

Faceswapping AI

Media Verification

Mediums protected:





State-sponsored attackers can now easily masquerade as heads of state. Reality Defender catches synthesized impersonations in critical moments.


the cost of creating a pixel-accurate impersonation of a living person


of all internet users cannot tell between real vs fake media

Common AI threats

Voice Cloning

Identity Theft

Faceswapping AI

Seamless integration. Unrivaled performance.

Web Application

Easily scan potential points of fraud with our intuitive drag-and-drop web application, allowing users to quickly scan individual files and access robust results.


Integrate your backend with our platform-agnostic API and upload a firehose of content via your existing software and solutions.


Leverage Reality Defender's partners and their applications to combine powerful tools like web-scale scanning and narrative detection with robust deepfake detection.

/ Case Studies

How Reality Defender Exposed Political Misinformation in a Leading NATO Country

Reality Defender helped a senior government official from a leading NATO country detect and disprove deepfake videos that falsely depicted them in a negative light.

Why Reality Defender?

Robust Detection

See between real and fake with our comprehensive “ensemble of models” approach to detection.

Turnkey Defense

Bolster national security protocols with enterprise-grade deepfake detection on day one.

Real-Time Results

Access real-time deepfake attempts and stop attackers in their tracks.

Major Institutions use Reality Defender

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Raised hand against a soft cloudy sky